This week's Professional Development day was very helpful for the teaching staff. They were able to work on plans for supporting the students social, emotional, and academic learning this year. Whatever the year holds, I know the Rowe teaching staff will be prepared to support our students in an engaging and productive way., Conferences finish up tomorrow, thank you for working with us in the varied ways of connecting with families. I hope you were able to get what you needed from the process., Next week, there will be no school on Thursday, as we celebrate Veterans Day. Other than that, it will be a regular week, with a 3:15 dismissal Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and a 12:30 dismissal on Friday. The weather looks like it will be getting colder, so please make sure to have your students bring everything they need to be comfortable outside no matter the weather. Mrs. Brisson and I are sharing a letter today with all families, through email and backpacks, that talks about the likely upcoming availability of a COVID vaccine for students aged 5-11. Please look it over, and be in touch if you have any questions. Have a good week and stay safe!
over 3 years ago, School News
October Newsletter
over 3 years ago, School News