It feels like a particularly busy week here at Rowe School, although I could probably say that every week. In addition to all the usual learning activities that the teachers are always leading, the 5th grade took the Science and Technology MCAS, most of the classes visited the Park in some fashion (hiking the trails, studying flora and fauna, and Aemelia from the Hitchcock Center was with us for special science activities..
The students taking the MCAS did really well over the last few weeks, sticking with it even if it was hard and doing their best. The will be a few students who missed scheduled testing taking make-ups next week, then we'll be done with MCAS for the year.
A quick note about arrival time and meals: we ask that students get to school by 8:30 so they and their classmates can start the day's activities together, and we can get breakfast and lunch information to the kitchen in a timely manner. Late arrivals make it more disruptive and confusing for everyone. We also ask that you work with your student to be sure about whether they're having school lunch. We take the lunch orders first thing, and then cook the exact number of lunches that are ordered, because we can't use leftovers as we have in past years. We will never let a child go hungry, but if they don't order school lunch, and don't end up bringing a home lunch, it creates a problem.
More details to come soon about the last weeks of school, as we process the latest state guidelines on what is allowed, we'll firm up our plans for the Talent Show, Field Day, etc. Graduation is Friday, June 10. With the recent bump in cases, I'm glad that we stuck with indoor masking, I believe it has helped keep COVID from spreading when one student tests positive. Thank you for working with us on the test and stay protocol, it's helping. Twenty-one days left.