We're in the middle of conferences, the third day is tomorrow, Friday, April 1. Thanks to the families who make the time to hear from the teachers (and in some cases, your student) about how your child is progressing as a learner in this unique year. I mention that you could hear from your student as well as the teachers because some of our classes are holding student-led conferences, where the student is an active part of the conference, discussing their learning with the teachers and families. And thank you to the teachers, who in the midst of teaching during a pandemic, take the time to make the conferences a valuable time for families and for the students. As we all better understand the children as learners, we can work better as a team to support their learning.
Vacation is around the corner, April 18-22, so please think about securing some rapid COVID tests. If you and your family get out of your regular routine, maybe travel to some new places and encounter some new people, consider testing your student(s) before they come back to school, just to be on the safe side. This is not a requirement, just a recommendation. Hopefully, as the school year winds down, COVID restrictions (like masks) will wind down as well. We appreciate the Board of Health looking out for us (and everyone), and will follow what they tell us to keep everyone safe.