Hello, Rowe families. The forecast for tomorrow morning is for temperatures of 0 degrees at 8:00, with light wind, for a wind chill of -8 degrees. We are not going to have a delay, and it is still a 12:30 release. Please don't let your student stand outside for any length of time waiting for the bus in the morning, and dress them warmly in layers so they stay as warm as possible on the bus ride. If you are dropping your student off at school in the morning, they will go right to the gym to wait until school starts. We have to prop the gym doors open to maintain proper ventilation, since we will have students from all the grades, separated by classroom, waiting in the gym. If you are bringing your child to school, consider dropping them off as close to the 8:30 start time as possible. That said, they are welcome after 7:45, but make sure they bundle up. We will likely not be going outside for recess tomorrow, as the temperature is not expected to get above 10 degrees, and there is always wind in Rowe. Please keep everyone as warm and as safe as possible tonight, and we'll do the same tomorrow.

Cold tomorrow
January 20, 2022